For those of you who have not participated previously, 36 Days of Type is a yearly online design event where artists around the world create and share work that depict one letter per day and then the numbers 0-9.
For #36daysoftype08 (2021), I created a series of augmented reality scenes based on books. Each day, a 3D render, a video of the Experience and an Adobe Aero QR code with link was shared so users could guess the book title and/or engage with the AR Experience in their own space. The rules were as follows:
Each day, the book being depicted would start with the letter for that day (e.g. "A" is for Anne of Green Gables, B is for Black Beauty, etc.).
The words "A" and "The" were excluded. For example, a title like the The Notebook would fall under "N."
All titles were fiction.
For numbers, the number could be anywhere in the title, text or numeric.
Social media (Behance, Flickr and Instagram) were updated once per day. The new letter was missing the book title for 24 hours.
If people wanted to engage, they could try to guess the title. The title was updated with the next day's post, but I always confirmed if someone guessed correctly.
Below is a collection of the 3D renders, the Adobe Aero QR codes and the videos of the AR Experience.
A is for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/PrfMPLwccfb B is for Book Thief ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/k4k30Uyccfb
C is for Charlotte's Web ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/9gh2ltCccfb D is for Dracula ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/DRxOxTEccfb
E is for Eclipse ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/qjFhwjHccfb F is for Flowers in the Attic ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/UmuIMBJccfb
G is for The Girl Who Played with Fire ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/QIQMtCrHlfb H is for The Handmaid's Tale ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/i38sIqBHlfb
I is for It ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/tkvG5rJHlfb J is for Jaws ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/ma2eFBRHlfb
K is for The Kite Flyer ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/JvQNOJ8Hlfb L is for Lord of the Flies ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/YCTXqRIXlfb
M is for The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/wtnJiiQXlfb N is for Notes from Underground ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/eRLwruPpxfb
O is for On the Road ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/twGbJiTpxfb P is for Peter Pan ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/oASyTCXpxfb
Q is for Queen of the Damned ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/FzqwIl2pxfb R is for Romeo and Juliet ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/tDsMTm6pxfb
S is for The Scarlet Letter ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/KHCR1Ubqxfb T is for Treasure Island ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/9aj5begqxfb
U is for the Unbearable Lightness of Being ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/O9Qrs8kwKfb V is for Valley of the Dolls ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/lyPJ7ujUIfb
W is for Where the Red Fern Grows ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/0yiJmuqUIfb X is for Xena Princess Warrior ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/8H0Xa3xUIfb
Y is for The Yellow Wallpaper ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/YwSsAcEUIfb Z is for Zorro ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/bLccjnMUIfb
0 is for Contamination Zero ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/dAi4yqVUIfb 1 is for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/liXzEk75Vfb
2 is for A Tale of Two Cities ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/jwJyrzd6Vfb 3 is for The Three Musketeers ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/SXfuQer6Vfb
4 is for Four Blind Mice ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/NdSa5bw6Vfb 5 is for Slaughterhouse Five ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/jmHJVjA6Vfb
6 is for Six Suspects ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/nojreR4j4fb 7 is for The House of Seven Gables ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/rtenJ79e4fb
8 is for 1984 ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/6VkMIQjf4fb 9 is for The Ninth Wife ~ https://adobeaero.app.link/eCLX79pX7fb