pie, pie, oh and more pie

Baking has never been my forte. As a matter of fact, neither has cooking in general. Regardless, I have come to enjoy a good pie. Not the store-bought, super sweet, sugar-inducing coma variety, but a savory pie or a sour fruit creation. Those never cease to inspire.

This pie fixation all started with a crust recipe. I had always been one to use store-bought crusts, and assumed that the world would keep turning. But one day a friend convinced me to come over to bake a pie or two - and make a homemade crust. My life was changed forever. Along with finding a new path in my own pie baking, I found an amazing community of bakers that took the concept of pie to new levels. Below are the top five artists that inspire me to pie it up and then eat, eat, eat.


Number 1: Jo Harrington | jojoromancer

Jo Harrington, also known as jojoromancer on Instagram, is one of the most original pie bakers I have ever encountered. Her creative crusts and truly unique presentation skills are one of a kind. Her photo feed explodes with crust-made foliage, flowers and geometric patterns. Be sure to check out her amazing stenciled crusts as well. They are simply irresistible.


Number 2: Brittany Bennett | TaartWork Pies

Tarts, pies and other tasty desserts are the work of Brittany Bennett at TaartWork Pies. Inspired by days of baking with her grandmother, this artist and baker has taken the concept of pie to a whole new level. Spiraled flowers, intricate letters and miniature rose tarts are just a few of her trademark techniques. Her smaller-sized desserts are just as beautiful as her full-size pies and seem to be bursting with flavor.


Number 3: Adrianna Adarme | The Cozy Kitchen

Adrianna Adarme of The Cozy Kitchen bakes amazing dishes that are as good to look at as to eat. Soft pastel frosting, mint green accents and drizzled glazes are just some of the ingredients that she incorporates into her work. What’s not to love? On top of this,her pies are really of the highest quality. A true lover of the kitchen, her ladder crusts are beautifully executed and clean. She can also braid crust like no one else. A visit to her website or Instagram feed is always time well spent.


Number 4: Sarah Kieffer | The Vanilla Bean Blog

Baking is an art and Sarah Kieffer is a master. During the cold Minnesota winters, Sarah spends her time making cupcakes, cookies, cinnamon rolls and other pastries. Sarah places importance not only on the process of baking itself, but on the final results - ensuring that her desserts are of the highest quality. To look through her photos of baked creations over the years is to develop a new appreciation for all that pie can be. Her use of the thick ladder crust with wide, geometric blocks is a work of perfection.


Number 5: Ana Maria

Ana Maria, who currently resides in Italy, creates pies that stand out from the crowd. Not only does she blend in baking techniques that are traditionally reserved for cookies and cakes, but her use of colorful ingredients and ornate crusts are one of a kind. She adds ornamental accents like hearts and stars, giving her baked goods a whimsical and unique feel. Ana Maria always seems to be experimenting and brings a fresh eye to the world of pie baking.


With these recommendations in place, how can any of you resist picking up a rolling pin, turning on the oven and spending an evening pie baking, listening to a little Lhasa de Sela and sipping on a nice Old Fashioned. Bake it up, pie lovers!